— Hi I’m Rossella Mora, a tattoo artist

Schermata 2022-04-28 alle 17.18.54

Roma e Londra

Rome and London are the two cities where life and work interchange, planning the weeks to reach the customers' needs.

I consider tattooing an art form, which is in harmony with the anatomy of the body that each individual can make intimate and personal.

Each of my creations is linked to a specific symbology. If I am given the opportunity, I go beyond the choice of drawing to try to deepen the character, personality and motivations of those who want to have my own decoration on their skin with all the attention that characterize me.

I create personally the drawings because the tattoo needs a soul, a personalization, and a symbolic meaning, which goes beyond the graphics and the mere aesthetics.


I want a Tattoo.



    Via Marsala, 16 - 00015 Monterotondo
    Rome - Italy

    +39 351 9968297

    VAT: 15234641007